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Read the book review by the New England Historical and Genealogical Register


Table of Contents
Cover Photo
Pages 147-148

The Descendants of William Hartwell, Concord Settler, 1636,
Through Five Generations

This is the newest genealogy of William Hartwell's descendants that is currently available.
At 626 pages, including bibliographic references, illustrations, a number of interesting appendices, and a complete index, it’s a marvelous piece of work.
From Joy’s Introduction: “While this genealogy is far from ‘done,’ it does contain my best efforts to date on the families
involved, and I hope it will become the standard work on the family until something better comes along. In conclusion, I would like to thank the numerous correspondents who have provided interesting data (most of whom are acknowledged in the text), the personnel of the many research facilities I have haunted and, most of all, the members of The Hartwells of America Association for putting their faith in me. It has been a fascinating and rewarding project, and will continue to keep me occupied for the foreseeable future.”
Hartwells throughout America and beyond owe a huge debt of gratitude to Joy for this major contribution to the family’s history.
If you purchase your copy at the Reunion, Joy will gladly autograph it for you, so, as they say, “come on down”!

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